Saturday, January 30, 2010

Changes to fuel price regulation in effect

Just a quick note...

I'm just off the PUB website at and I just read their last release from this weeks price change...

If I have it right, the PUB will now be regulating all fuel prices on a weekly basis instead of every two weeks.

That will eliminate the need for the interruption criteria and formula and, according to their release, will keep prices in step with other Atlantic Canadian centers that are also regulated on a weekly basis.

As well, there are new guidelines governing diesel fuels that are also coming into effect. The new pricing includes kerosene into the mix and that's probably why my diesel numbers were way off last week. Instead of just regular diesel, the new diesel numbers include a blend of 75% kerosene and 25% diesel to meet new federal government guidelines on sulphur emissions. From the look of things, my diesel number will be like that of winter heating oils: only to be used as a guideline rather than the actual that will occur for price changes there, that is until I get things figured out.

I'll still be tracking all changes except now it seems I'll be filling your email boxes twice as

I know...

Just what you needed, right?

What you will see from me is a release based on six out of seven days of data from now on and a follow-up on my blog that will contain all seven days of data as well. Changes will still be on Thursdays with the cut-off of measurement days on Tuesdays previous to the released price changes from the PUB.

In other words, the same thing but four times a month, roughly.

Poor in-box, I know!

That's it for now!



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