Surely,The Gods Are Laughing!...
$80 Bucks US is a Distinct Possibility Compliments of Bush
Here we go again!...
It must be pre-ordained that,if your father has been president,or another president has unfinished business,then you have to step up to the plate.
The price of oil is hitting the roof today because the joker on the bomb just happened to be picking the Iran nuclear program as a possible scenario for the use of a strategic nuclear weapon.The picture immediately to the left is missing the strategic oil target it's meant to hit and not some forlorn railway crossing in the middle of nowhere...
The simple fact that Bush has alledgedly had his generals talk about a "strategic" nuclear device-a bunker buster type bomb- to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities means one thing-that the US has so far over-extended itself that it sees no easier way to try and win an arguement.
In all this should be stark and staring warnings that something is amiss with the people who thought this one up.
I think it was James Madison who said, and I quote...
"No nation could preserve it's freedom in the midst of continual warfare"
Attention America because George W. has you surrounded!
Do you know what the president is doing or,as a matter of fact,does anyone?
Everytime I go to the pumps,I wonder...
Why is it that we can't sit back and see what the United Nations is ready to do before we let the "Bush Factor" weigh in on the world situation?
The reality here is that I'd rather see United Nations influence on oil prices rather than ol' George W.
What we're witness to is an Iraq repeat performance.We just don't know when the show starts.
Only George W. knows that one...