Friday, July 11, 2008

Economic warfare 101
Oil is a funny thing...
Give it to one country when there is a high demand and you have the world's attention...
Such is the case of Iran today where oil again, is trading up on the news that Iran will "pull the trigger" if Israel attacks Iran's main nuclear facilities. As a result, there's also a promise of supply disruptions from the Middle east country that amounts to some 4.4 million barrels a day so, if the Israelis do attack the facilities at Natanz like they did at Osiraq in Iraq in 1981, we have a problem. Overall production will not be met by OPEC to cover the needs of an oil-thirsty world and prices will skyrocket because demand will not be met. Spare capacity cannot be met by the group.
A BIG problem...
It's like this. If Iran does disrupt production then we can thirst for heating oil a few dollars more. Gasoline prices will most likely reach unheard of levels.
The likelihood of an attack by the Israelis is good as they've done it before and with perfect execution. Without loss to themselves, Israel launched a daring raid against Iraq's nuclear research facilities by flying below radar over Jordan, the Iraq countryside and below radar defenses. The attacks that knocked out Iraqi facilities was over in less than a half hour and the Israeli air force flew back unscathed to home soil.
If yesterdays missile tests are any indication, expect to hear of a raid carried out by Israeli forces almost any day now. Israel will not sit lightly and wait for Iran to strike first. They've never been one to turn the cheek since Munich .
To tell you the truth, I couldn't blame them one bit.
I just can't stop thinking how much the Iranian government might be making on oil just because it is rattling sabres again, photo-shopped pictures and all.
Economic warfare.
Coming soon to a gas pump near you.
Keep the oil tank filled if you can...


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Murphy,

I've been following your analysis of the pricing of the various fuels produced from hydrocarbons, and this blog posting confirms to me that you have not a clue.

Israel has never attacked Iran's nuclear facilities. What you have described is complete fiction. In June 7 of 1981, Israel attacked Iraq's 40 megawatt lightwater reactor called Osiraq, located 15 miles outside of Baghdad. This act of Israeli aggression against Iraq was soundly condemned by the world community, because as a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty, Iraq had the right to develop atomic energy for peaceful means. The International Atomic Energy Agency had recently inspected the plant, which had been constructed by the French, and found nothing amiss. It has been shown that it was after the Israeli attack that the Iraqi's began to try and develop a nuclear weapon to counter Israel's hundreds of nuclear weapons.

The sovereign country of Iran is a signatory to the Non Proliferation Treaty and has complied with all of the IAEA's requests for transparency in regards to its nuclear program. Israel is not a signatory to the NPT, and refuses to allow the IAEA inspect its facilities.

You sir, are a boob.

George said...

They have inded attacked Iraq's facilities as the posting says. Maybe I didn't edit my posts as it was before.

May I digress.

It's the thought that counts. Either way, it's my terrible editing rather than being a boob...

But, hey...

Freedom of speech right?...

The posting has been edited based on what I know but failed to put into print...

Brian said...

Mr. Murphy,

Freedom of speech does not include telling lies. You edited your post after I corrected your fiction.

You still claim the Israelis successfully attacked Iran's nuclear facilities. Pray tell, when did this occur?

Stick to driving a cab, you idiot.

George said...

Like the name-calling I see.

I also see nothing wrong with correcting a mistake when it is pointed out. It wasn't done as "flagrant" or "wistful" as you might imagine but who am I to argue that point?
I'm only too glad that you did point out some typo's and mis-typing of historical facts but that's it...
Not very far between a "q" and an "n" I don't think. Anyone can make a mistake like that.
I just find it pitiful that you hid behind a name and expressed your thoughts as you did without asking questions of the article first as anyone could make the same mistake beyween two letters...
Such is life...
I learned from mine.
Have you from yours?