Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Numbers are in

First things first...

I'm waiting on a call from the Public Utilities Board on a yet to be scheduled meeting centered around what transpired with my numbers and what they had in last week's price change. I still say that numbers should have retreated and then this weeks should have seen the adjustments for the markets in the week following.

Either way, they didn't jive...

Here's what I have for this week, with all the numbers in:
  • Heating and stove oils are down by 24/100ths of a cent.
  • Diesel numbers show no change, and
  • Gasoline: I want to reserve what I have here in the hope that the numbers will come back on track. I will say however, that they show "up".
I want to see what they're going to do this time. I hope you all understand, at least this time around!


George Murphy
Group researcher/Member
Consumer Group for Fair Gas Prices

PS: After publishing this notice, I received a note from the PUB with a notice of a meeting with them for this Thursday afternoon.

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