Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Hell no...
Canada beware!...George is coming!

According to CBC's Canad Now, George Bush's call for alternate supplies of crude oil other than what comes from the middle east, is going to be answered by Big Oil in Canada.

When George spoke to Congress last year, he told America and the politico's gathered there that America had to break its dependance on Middle East oil. According to the story, there was a "meeting of the minds" represented in part by Big Oil. The plan was a rapid, five-fold expansion of the oil production capability of Western Canada's tarsands.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't oil covered under the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA for short?

If that is the case, Canada's resources of oil could be swallowed up by the mere fact that NAFTA calls for any exports from one country aren't allowed to be reduced. In other words, we have to maintain and increase production to meet American industry and consumer needs.

Think of that for a minute...

While Canada produces 2.7 million barrels a day, it ships some. Uncle Sam will be looking for an added 1.5 million barrels a day by the year 2015 and that doesn't include present or future demand under "normal circumstances". Add the rising number of drivers and industries and we have a recipe to drain our own resources before the United States explores some other areas it hasn't touched yet...

We just might have to "bend over backwards" for Sam rather than ourselves in a few years.

I don't think so George, b'y!

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