Thursday, January 11, 2007

Wait for it...
Some oil company officials and NYMEX traders must be basting in their own juices right now. Over the last couple of weeks, we've been witness to oil dropping from record highs a short time ago, to todays $51 and change.
Poor oil companies!
Pooor OPEC!
Remember when the OPEC'ers used to ramble in the news about maintaining oil between $22 and $28 US a barrel?
I can't seem to find the record, or news report, that saw OPEC officially change their minds on the range they were comfortable with. It's too bad they're too comfortable with this one.
Any day now, before February sets in, you will be witness to a breaking business news story that OPEC will be holding an emergency meeting to discuss production cuts in addition to those already self-imposed.
What you'll be witness to is direct manipulation of the family budget-or is it-victim of?
Here is what we really have, and some might call me nuts...
Here is reason enough why Canada should have a policy of "us first" when it comes to Canada's production of crude resources. If a company is to produce Canadian resources and supply the consumer of this country, it should be Canadian law that Canadian consumer and business needs are met first before any exports take place, and refined before they are, at that!
Here is reason enough why Canada should have a green program to break our dependence on foreign, let alone domestic- sources of petroleum products.
Here is reason enough why the world should be straight-out saying "no" to OPEC...
If we had the sense, we'd all call a world boycott of OPEC petroleum products and start using our own.
Told you I was nuts!

1 comment:

Table Mountains said...

george,you sound sane to me! i'll be posting your blog link today in a few places.