Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Numbers show no interruption this week...
After such a round of price drops, I was getting a little too used to informing everyone that pricing would be coming down again and, I just knew it all had to come to an end sometime. It's not overwith yet but, it is going to take a little loger to see the price come down this time.
While numbers do not show an allowable for the interrupter formula to kick in, they are still down slightly enough that we might see a drop in pricing coming for next Thursday now at best.
With the latest round of OPEC cuts (yes, they did a 1.5 million cut as predicted here) I expected market reaction to be delayed on the news and to see that cut play itself out in the markets after the first couple of days. Seems we've stalled at falling oil pricing and traders are getting a little "reluctant" in getting oil below $60 US a barrel. No doubt the province here, at least the finance department, will be drawing a sigh of collective relief on the sudden "stall in the fall" of oil pricing as well.
Anyways, numbers here so far are showing at least 3.3 down on gasoline, 1.55 down on heating and stove oils and 2.6 down on diesel. I guess we'll hold out some hope that we'll see the slide in oil continue but, from the look of things we just might have seen the price of oil and their related refined commodities stall for now. The proof of that probably lies in the fact that the drops in price are small right now.
**Just to note: The Canadian dollar has now lost a good 24 cents against it's US counterpart since September 28th and that has cost Canadian taxpayers a rough 23.5 cents a litre, give or take a few tenths of a cent. That's what we get for being tied into being a "petro-dollar" and not having a diversified economy like we should have...
Oh my...


gas miser said...

Funny how PEI is regulated like NL and everywhere across the price of gas is less than a dollar a litre. It would make one wonder if our government is not trying to top up its pocket from the people. Anyway thats just my vent, keep up the good work George at least you give us the hads up.

George said...

first time in a while that I was wrong!
I keep forgetting about "volotility"...I had 2.9 plus tax down but, hey...I'll take it.Problem with it though is that I dropped $40 bucks in the tank yesterday...I got burned!...lol

Thanks for the comment!